Welcome to Oak ‘n Koa Studio, where craftsmanship and creativity come together. Please see my Instagram page for more photos and the most recent projects.
Click on the individual photos below to see more photos and info on any particular piece
Large Maui HookLarge Topographical MauiHawaii Island ChainsWood and Resin GeckoSubmerged SharkShark Fin in WaterMaui Map – KoaWhale BreachGeckoMaui Hook in OakMounted Humpback WhaleHonu TurtleMounted SharkWhale Shark on mountManta RaySwimming WhaleHawaiian Wild BoarSharkWhale SharkFrogMinisCarved Bottle OpenersTurtle in WavesWhales in WavesHawaii Island ChainKoa surfboard with resin wavesMilo surfboard with resin wavesHawaiian islands map with resin Hawaiian islands surfboard topo map with resin Charcuterie Serving TrayServing TraysWine bottle balancer4ft Islands SurfboardKey RacksShaka Wine BalancerOctopus 3DTiki FaceOctopus in waterManta Ray in WaterKoa Whale BreachTurtle in WaterWhale Shark in WaterCheese/Charcuterie board with stainless steel handlesMaui topo on standOahu mapIao Valley TopographyYosemite Park TopoCinque Terra, ItalyMt DiabloBadwater 135 Mile Race TopographicVolcano Kilauea CalderaHaleakala Crater on MauiMaui map – MangoMaui Custom CutoutsMaui Resin SurfboardPaddle with 3d Maui in EpoxyMarlin TrophySailing ShipSurfer GirlAngels in HealthcardMermaid UnderwaterCustom TabletopRemote Control / Cheese Tray with Hawaii IslandsLive Edge Koa wood ALOHA sign